Since then it has been used all over the world, for both children and adults. The first course in Poland was held in 1988. It was conducted by Mary Quinton, a physiotherapist, together with Elsbeth Koeng, a physician (Switzerland), who developed the NDT-Bobath Method for infants.
In Poland, the NDT-Bobath Method is used successfully for premature babies, infants and older children with neurological, orthopedic, genetic syndromes and those presenting developmental delays
Refinement according to the NDT-Bobath Method is intended to help the child develop comprehensively so that he or she can gain independence in life and use his or her abilities as much as the existing damage to the Central Nervous System (CNS) allows.
The rationale for the developed NDT-Bobath Method procedure was that the development of a child with CNS dysfunction, including Cerebral Palsy (MPD), proceeds differently from normal development. The sensorimotor experience of such a child is different, resulting in abnormal body sensation and abnormal movements. Reactions of righting and balancing often do not develop. Abnormalities in muscle tone and inappropriate distribution of muscle tone result in different movement patterns, typical of each disorder. The first abnormal symptoms usually involve control of the head and trunk. Then abnormal movements develop in distal parts of the body. Flexion and extension patterns predominate, and the development of rotational movements is significantly impaired.