Galileo Vibrotherapy
Vibrotherapy is a form of therapeutic and preventive therapy that has appeared in Poland relatively recently. It has been known in the world since the 1940s, and its effectiveness is confirmed by physiotherapists around the world. The stimulus in vibrotherapy is vibrations. From a physiological point of view, these are physical stimuli, transmitted to selected body tissues or to the entire body
The mechanical impulse sent out by the device activates the muscles to work, resulting in increased blood and lymph flow. The vibrations can cover the entire body or selected parts of it.
Galileo’s principles are based on the natural motion of human gait. Galileo’s side-changing, swing-like motion of varying amplitude and frequency stimulates a sequence of movements reminiscent of human walking. The rapid movement of the training platform causes the pelvis to tilt – similar to walking, but much more frequent. The body responds with compensation: rhythmic muscle contractions, alternating between the left and right sides of the body.
During Galileo Training, the entire muscle chain in the legs is activated, all the way to the body. To train individual muscle groups, all you need to do is change your posture and muscle tension. Galileo Training puts only minimal strain on the cardiovascular system, helping to stimulate blood circulation and metabolism so it is ideal for patients with cardiac problems as well as the elderly.