Treatments with TheraTogs suits
A typical TheraTogs user receives max. 16 hours of therapy each day.
TheraTogs combos are external muscle stimulation systems used in the rehabilitation of neuromotor, postural and sensory disorders. The system provides a multidirectional, adaptive approach to changing conditions for movement, sensory and balance disorders.
TheraTogs was created by world-class clinicians because previously there were no aids or resources that were effective enough or worked in multiple directions so as to achieve significant improvements in rehabilitation. Their work stemmed from a desire to create rehabilitation aids that are based on sound principles of biomechanics and neuromuscular science.
TheraTogs are made of a special, patented material with a spongy bottom layer that presses against the skin and underlying soft tissues, and an outer layer (Velcro®-sensitive) to which an elastic strap system attaches, such “external muscles.” The material is comfortable and breathable and can be worn under clothing.